mEAndering, out and about

In the Birdhouse…

For anyone who knows Masham, a sleepy market town in the Yorkshire Dales…

Masham Honesty Box

you may have noticed a newcomer on the square…

Last week was the opening day of Birdhouse Interiors and no-one could have failed to see the bright pink balloons bobbing about outside the shop.

Birdhouse Interiors 2

Come and take a little peek through the window…

Birdhouse Interiors

Inside it is an Aladins Cave of gorgeous temptations, some vintage, some new vintage, some hand made and hand painted…

Birdhouse Interiors 3

When we arrived the shop was already full of people browsing and buying…

Birdhouse Interiors 4

My daughter and her two friends have embarked on this venture and I hope they do well…

   Birdhouse Interiors6

They have spent weeks preparing and decorating the shop, hand painting furniture and making some of the items on sale…  Birdhouse Interiors8

Each of them has slightly different tastes which compliment each other…

Birdhouse Interiors5

and already they have their Christmas corner set up to catch the early shopper…

Birdhouse Interiors7


So if you are ever in this corner of the world do drop in and take a look around – I would challenge you to come away without being tempted to buy something!

Masham Sheep Fair

The day we visited the town folk were preparing for the big Sheep Fair event which takes place in the main square.  These are the sheep pens all ready and waiting for the sheep…

Masham Showman Caravan

The Showman’s Caravan was stealing the show…

Masham Showman Caravan 2

So beautifully preserved…

Masham Fair Dodgems

and who remembers these – the Dodgems…

Masham Fair Swingboats

and the Swing Boats.

We had a lovely day wandering around in the warm weather, eating home made ice cream from the local chocolate shop where I bought some Christmas chocolates for my advent calendar.  All too soon it was time to leave and we said our goodbye’s with a promise to come again soon and also to make something to sell in their shop.

If you are interested in an update on my September Reducing the Spending challenge

then click the link to my other blog Re-routed

Halloumi and Salad

16 thoughts on “In the Birdhouse…”

    1. I agree, Heidi and I’m pretty sure I would spend my paychecks several times over if this shop were state-side. That wallpaper is fabulous!


  1. Gosh, you reminded me how much I like Masham – and the beer! The last time we went, we left Number One Daughter’s AnyWayUp cup in a tea-room, and now she’s fifteen, so I think another visit is in order – what a lovely enticing little shop, I hope they do very well.


  2. That looks like a fantastic shop, just the sort that I love to visit. You must have been so proud of your daughter and her friends, and I wish them much success in their new venture.
    Sarah x


  3. I’ve just found this on Google looking for the showmans caravans and found just what I was looking for. In fact I found more than that, the showmans caravan belongs to my uncle billy aka William smith, and I wanted to try and find a picture of a van to cross stitch and I’ve found it without delving into my cupboards looking for the picture. So thank you very much for including these pictures and when I’m up that way I will certainly pop into the shop.


    1. Hi Alison, glad to be of service! Those caravans are works of art and we enjoyed our day in Masham while they were there. My daughter pulled out of running the shop recently to look after her new baby full time, however, her business partner still runs it on her own so the shop is still going.


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