drEAming, general chit chat

a time of reflection…

A long long gap and I cannot definitely say I am truly back on the blogging scene at the moment, but just thought I would update anyone still following along.

On December 8th my good friend and colleague Helen passed away in our local Hospice after a year-long battle with secondary Breast cancer in her lung, aged 51.  Her fight has now ended and she is at peace.  She was courageous to the very end and I will always miss her and always remember her – our office is just not the same without her.

The last few months have been so difficult that blogging has not been an option – just keeping going at work and home has been enough.  Losing my mum in law at the beginning of the year and Helen at the end has not made 2015 an easy year and I am looking forward to 2016 and a fresh start.

We have still not had any work done on the cottage  – sometimes I cannot even remember what we are waiting for!  We failed to put a lick of paint on our home here in Yorkshire as well but in the next day or two we are going to be making plans to get the decorating of our house back on track.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas – we spent the day with our family with lots of joviality and far too much food but it was also tinged with sadness as throughout the day I couldn’t help thinking about Helen’s family and how they were coping with the loss of a wife and mother.

I do hope it will not be as long between posts next time.  I have missed the blogging community but time has been so precious recently that any few minutes I have had to myself have been spent catching up with a whole host of things, including some much-needed sleep.

18 thoughts on “a time of reflection…”

  1. It’s nice to hear from you. I’m glad you could take a few moments to check it.
    I’m so sorry for your losses this year of your dear friend and your beloved mother. That’s all consuming, isn’t it? I’m so sad for Helen’s family. She was young. My dad died of cancer at the age of 54. I was only 9. My heart goes out to all of you.

    I’m sorry the cottage sits idle, but with all you’ve had going on, I can see how it would take a back seat to everything else.

    Arms around you. xo Alys


    1. Lovely to hear from you and thank you for the hug. I have needed plenty this year! I am hoping for a more restful and organised 2016 as everything here has been very unorganised and chaotic during 2015. I was even too tired at night to write about it. Hope all is well for you and your family. Seasonal greetings xx


      1. Writing can be cathartic, but you need the time and the mind space in which to do it. I fully understand. I hope you’ll come back to your blog as a long lost friend. It shouldn’t feel like a burden. As for the chaos around you, it sounds to me like you’ve kept your priorities in order, a dying mom and a dying friend that needed you. Everything else will fall into place, especially since you are so self-aware. The have these deaths on the heals of the flooding has given you a lot to process and to live through. My heart goes out to you. I love organizing and wish I could just pop in for a weekend and work on it together. Perhaps you have another friend that you can trade off with? In any event, wishing you smooth sailing and the clutter-free home you desire in the coming year. xo


  2. I am so understanding how you feel about blogging – I too am floundering to get back on the ball – yet so many other things take priority – as you have said. Take care – it would seem I will be visiting Masham shortly so will check out the gallery.


    1. Hi Denise lovely to hear from you and I hope you had a lovely Christmas. I have had a quick peak at your blog and noticed that you have been making lots of gorgeous Xmas things. Lucy now owns the Curious Pig in Masham with a friend. It is on the main street in where the old post office was and is more an eclectic mix of goods than the Birdhouse. The Birdhouse is still there and run by a different person now but still lovely gifts. Have a nice time in Masham – if you see Lucy in her shop she will be the one with her daughter Lottie who is now 18months almost and a real live wire. seasonal greetings x


  3. Hi Viv, I am sorry that your year was “bookended” by losses but I am pleased to think about the light that your grandchild must bring. It is completely appropriate for houses, cottages and blogging to take a backseat to people! Thinking of you & hope you’ll be back again. All the best for 2016.


    1. Hi Dar – hope you had a good Christmas and it is lovely to hear from you. I have certainly missed all my blogging friends and what they are doing. I am not expecting to have a great deal of time in the near future to blog as I used to but hopefully that will change as soon as I can get my life back on track. xx


  4. So nice to see you here again (and to see you in person in the summer!). I hope that 2016 brings you both comfort, peace and just the right amount of activity and moving forward that you seek.


    1. Hi Freda so nice to hear from you. I see from your blog that you have been close by in York recently. I really enjoyed our visit to your studio and every morning I am reminded when I look at your beautiful painting. Wishing you all the best for 2016. viv x


  5. So sorry to hear of your sad year, I do hope 2016 is much better for you and your family. I do love my own blog but I have neglected that and reading others this year, I will try and fit it in next year as I do know the blogging community can be very supportive. Take care of yourself. xxx


    1. Hi Lyn I can see from reading your blog how busy you have been – I always enjoy reading about your trips out and the crafty things you do. I agree that the blogging community can be enormously supportive and I thank everyone for their kind words and best wishes. I hope I can get back to blogging soon. Happy New Year. xx


  6. Sending you upside down cyber hugs. I did hope you weren’t dealing with such heavy things and just too caught up in daily life to post – as so many of us have been.

    I hope this year brings peace and much activity renovation-wise.


    1. Hi Lucinda – hugs appreciated and I send best wishes to you for the New Year. It sounds from reading your blog like your daily life can get very full on so I wish you some time for rest and reflection. I was reading a bit about the blog you have been following about the girl travelling around and the tragic incident she has had with her beloved baby son – heart rendering but also quite courageous in the way she teaches her children an alternative lifestyle to the norm.x


  7. Great to see you blogging again! I am so sorry to hear of the death’s of two people dear to you. 2015 was a horrible year for many people. Let’s hope 2016 is a good one!


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