cleaning, fEAsible, nEAtening, sEAsons

My new Focus for this month…

It is so lovely to see little signs of Spring creeping in everywhere, the lighter nights and mornings, sunnier days and the first burst of  colour as the Spring flowers emerge. I feel winter is definitely behind us now and we can give a huge stretch and come out of hibernation.
It is with this in mind that I have decided to dedicate my focus this month to an energetic Spring Clean and I must say I can’t wait to get started.

Spring Clean

After the long winter months I can finally blow away the cobwebs, throw the windows open wide and  let some fresh air into the house, put the washing out onto the line to dry and clean, scrub, clean until every nook and cranny in the house sparkles.

Washing Day

If you click on the drop down menu above on the tab Focus 2014 you can see my plan for March.  Each day I will tackle a different task which will lead me to my goal of a clean house.
For those of you who have been following along I will be updating you on my previous projects for January and February – focusing on Finances and Simplifying my Space, the former actually proved to be easier than the latter and I think this is mainly due to the fact that I could do a very small financial related task in the evening, whilst the clearing tended to be left for my days at home.
Did you watch the video about Innermost House on my previous post – I know some of you did and there were mixed comments but I think the general consensus was that there was something quite magical about it even if it is definitely not for you. 
For anyone who missed it here is the link again – Innermost House
…and for those who would like to see more this is another video called ‘On the way home’
I have watched them a few times over now as I see and hear different things at each viewing –  there is something of the spirit of the place that I would like to capture and apply to my own home – for instance I love the fact that she has ‘chosen’ what she wants to live with her in the house.  As the documentary says there is nothing superfluous there and that really appeals to me so whilst I continue to simplify my space I will be putting this into practice and really choosing only the items I want to live with.
Did you notice that when asked if she was a Luddite she didn’t rush off to Google – instead she took a beautiful leather bound book off the shelf and looked the word up.  We often have to resort to this method when we are at our cottage as we have no computer up there, or internet connection or phone line even and funnily enough I never miss it.  If we need to know the answer to something we go into town and generally ask Billy in the Hire Shop he is our Google  – a font of all knowledge or (and Dar will love this) we visit our local library – but you have to leave plenty of time because you will be drawn into a lovely long chat with the librarians.
Most people commented on hearing the sounds in the documentary – the sounds of nature that are often go unheard these days with all the background noise pollution we suffer from having electricity and engines surrounding us.  I must say that I might find the lack of listening to music a problem as I expect having no electricity would mean no means of playing CD’s etc.  Maybe they have musical instruments and I definitely would have to have room for my piano.
And just what is in her cupboards?  I am curious to know what she is keeping in there – what chosen articles are allowed to be part of her life.  I have so many unanswered questions and each time I watch it I want to know more – I expect you can tell that it has had a profound affect on me!!
After discovering her website I will be definitely settling down tonight for a good read.
My meal plan for the week, grocery spending and what I have bought last month will all be on my re-routed blog click here.

21 thoughts on “My new Focus for this month…”

  1. I just love your cleaning list; I can hardly even imagine how it would feel to have a house that clean. I expect it will be May before it’s warm enough to do all of that here, LOL! Maybe it’s fortunate that I still have time to work on my winter projects. PS, Yay Libraries 🙂


          1. Oh, please don’t change – I love learning new phrases! Whenever I think I understand all the phrases that Rom uses, he always comes up with more I haven’t heard! (He knew about Marigolds, of course.)


      1. We don’t use or know the term Marigolds either. I also had to look it up. And though most people say vacuuming, if you said Hoovering, people would know what you meant.


  2. I think I was a bit judgemental (even a little envious) of her. I still wonder what she has done with all her stuff and wouldn’t be surprised if it was hidden away in storage containers! If I lived alone it would be so easy to get rid of superfluous things but as I share a house with my husband and son I have to take their feelings (and material things) into considersation. I am going to have a look at her website and learn more about her way of life. Good luck with the spring cleaning! x


    1. I must say I have many questions and it has been a real subject for discussion here – my better half reckons I couldn’t live without all my books and computer – he may just be right. I also realised I would have to give up my electric toothbrush….never!!


  3. Me again Vivian! Interestingly, they don’t live there anymore.

    ‘ Innermost House was built on a retreat property we did not own. Michael and I have never owned land or a house. It may be necessary some day, but I don’t like to own things.

    We left the house with the present land owners. It is theirs now. We built the house in partnership with a previous owner. After the property was sold we were offered it back by the family who now owns it. They would accept nothing from us but our friendship, and they kept faith with us to the end. Some day I will tell you about the people with whom we left it. I love them. It is in good hands.’


  4. I love your list too! I made a similar one, but I’m waiting until I’ve finished my painting. I’m hoping to start in April. My house is tidy, but it’s definitely not really clean (lol).

    I can’t believe how excited I get about being able to hang the washing outside!


  5. Innermost House is beautiful. Thankyou for sharing the links.

    Every object looked so stylish and beautiful in its own right. I could imagine staying there for a retreat. Though, I think I have questions and doubts, like Simone.

    For example, where does their water come from? It says they have to use the fire to heat, but they had taps that turned on, and what appeared to be a flush toilet. Where’s the water pressure come from? My mother has only rain water. Where she lives there is no mains supplied water: everyone has to collect their own. You need electricity to pump the water from the tank into the house. No electricity; no water.

    I have stayed on remote properties that had tank water and no electricity. The water tank has to be up high so there is enough pressure or flow from gravity. At one farm we had to light the kitchen stove to have hot water. There were pipes above the fire but beneath the cooking stovetop. I wonder how they heated water on the little fireplace in Innermost.

    But doubts about living there aside, it did look very peaceful, relaxing and inviting. I love the no clutter.


    1. It sound like they are actually on piped mains water and like our cottage it comes by pipe straight off the mains no tank required. They used very little hot water prefering cold to having a propane water heater at the beginning.
      Did you notice all the books in the tiny office had been covered in the same plain paper cover to give the appearance of uniformity?


      1. Yes, noticed the books in white covers. Great way to have new releases without all the different coloured spines. Not that I could be bothered doing the covering. Gave up on my own kids’ school books by the end. And I would get frustrated trying to find the book I needed. I did like how it added to the minimalist look though.

        And everything looked so clean and sparkling. Wouldn’t your spring clean be quick in that house?


  6. Thank you for the link to the Innermost House. It felt so calm and reflective and the images of it have kept coming back to me over the past few days. Although I wouldn’t want to be quite that extreme I found it quite inspirational and have been looking around our home with a new light! Sarah x


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